Things to read Tuesday, 24 November 2015 14:33:13 CST David-Braverman Chicago, Politics, Work (0) A couple of articles floated through my awareness today: Vladimir Putin has gone so far into the language of paranoia around today's shoot-down that one starts to get nervous. (Richard Hofstadter should be required reading.) Josh Marshall, ever the optimist, says it can still get worse. Bruce Schneier is nervous, too, about the policy repercussions from the Paris attacks. News flash: Donald Trump is a racist liar who sounds a lot like George Wallace and Ted Cruz Joseph McCarthy. IFLS outlines what happens when you drink. It's a good reminder, says the guy who had a Gluhwein at Christkindlmarket at lunch. WBEZ's Curious City asks, when does the CTA break even on a bus route? Happy reading.