The Daily Parker

Politics, Weather, Photography, and the Dog

Obama event

I just got back from an event in Chicago which convinced me that Obama will win the White House. 375 days, 12 hours to go.

In a completely unrelated vein, I am watching Parker try to destroy a Tyvek FedEx envelope. I think I've finally found a substance he can't destroy.

Update: Nope. He can destroy it just fine. I'll be seeing that Tyvek tomorrow morning.

Today's Daily Parker

One week at overnight camp (Parker's day care provider also boards dogs, so he got to hang with his friends every day) has exhausted my dog. This is a common behavior in dogs, apparently. He was overjoyed to see me again in a way I've never seen in a human older than four, but as soon as we got home he climbed into his crate and passed out. (Actually he ate two entire bowls of kibble first.)

Action shot:

Good butt

I just got very good news for Parker: for the first time in his entire doggy life, he is free from all intestinal parasites. No more bad butt.

Today's Daily Parker

Another one from Ninth Street, Durham:

This was, of course, from Wednesday, not today. Wednesday it was warm; this morning it was below freezing. Apparently it does get cold in Durham, though "cold" here isn't "cold" back home.

Jamie mentioned several times that the weather in Durham is much preferable to the weather in Chicago, because apparently she has forgotten last August. I guess it depends whether you prefer warm or cold weather.

Tomorrow we're heading back to Chicago. Straight through. Twelve hours. Whee.

Today's Daily Parker

For a while yesterday I moved Parker's crate near the quasi-veranda, so he could get light and air while I went shopping for Thanksgiving fixins:

It's warm in Durham again: 22°C already. I can definitely deal with the weather in North Carolina this time of year. (Not so much in July, though.) We took advantage of it after my shopping trip and went on a 3.8 km walk around the neighborhood in the fading afternoon light: